Tag Archives: food truck

Bedford and Ole Bill

As promised, here are some pictures of the wonderful vehicles I saw in London last week. None of them are campers per se, but still totally awesome and would make great camper conversions I think!


Here’s a blue and white vintage Bedford that’s been turned into a food truck. Bedford also made awesome campers/motorhomes. Only in Europe!


Also outside of the British Museum, right near the blue Bedford, was this awesome green vehicle. In the wonderful camper eye-candy, super inspiring book “My Cool Caravan” (by Jane Field-Lewis, available from Amazon here), which features photos and stories of European campers, my favorite camper in the whole book is built from one of these vehicles. It’s so industrial looking, totally unique. I’ll have to look up what kind of vehicle it is and let you know.


And here’s me with Ole Bill at the Imperial War Museum. It’s a double decker bus. But if you for some reason could get your hands on one, it would make an amazing camper conversion vehicle with a deck on top!


There it is! The cool vehicles I saw in London. I saw some neat campers too, while on the train outside of the city, but unfortunately couldn’t get any pictures 😦  My dad says that I just love European campers because they aren’t what I’m used to, but I have a feeling they might just be more wonderful than the campers we have in the States. The exception being Airstreams! They don’t have Airstreams in Europe, and they are a hot commodity over there. I know this because an older couple that lives down the street from my parent’s house in rural Massachusetts were selling their old Airstream trailer out in their front yard, and someone from Sweden found out about it, flew over here to look at it, had it put in a shipping container and brought back to Sweden with him so that he could restore it and re-sell it. Apparently the cost of flying over here and shipping a 25 foot trailer to Sweden was worth it, which makes me think I should be restoring campers across the pond….



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