is Getting a Makeover

Hello readers!!

I’m very excited to announce that this little blog is getting a big makeover!

I’m writing to tell you all a few things about the new website I’ve been working on.

For the past few weeks I have been working very hard on designing and building a new website for This new website has many more features, easier navigation, more fun stuff, and is looking pretty darn nice (it’s not done yet, but so far so cute!).

I would be very grateful if you guys, my awesome readers, would join me in the new and improved COMET CAMPER universe once it is all set up. First off, thank you to everyone who subscribes to this blog. You are my motivation and inspiration! For my readers that are subscribed via email, I should be able to just bring you over to the new site no problem (you’ll still get updates about blog posts / etc).

For those of you that are following via WordPress blogs, I would be SO HAPPY if you guys came over to the new site and re-subcribed with an email address, if you still enjoy this blog 🙂 Thank you for helping me with this transition! I’m doing everything I can to make it as smooth as possible. I will update again soon and let you know what is up!

Also, is there anything in particular you guys want to see in the new website? What’s your favorite part of this site, or your least favorite part? I’m going to be posting more regularly (2+ times per week) and will be expanding what the site covers to include more of my interests such as entrepreneurship, travel, camping, and gardening (in addition to the vintage campers, tiny houses, and sustainable design stuff!). Basically, I’m doing a complete overhaul, and getting really excited about being in touch with you all more often than right now. It’ll be the same COMETCAMPER you know and love, but with more posts, more cool stuff to look at, and more awesome. I’ll also be adding more social media as well. I don’t currently do social media (besides this blog), but it’s high time I hang out with you guys in more ways. I’ll let you know how you can find me across the Internet what that’s all set up.

Hopefully there will be very little downtime (if any at all) during this transition.

On a separate note, someone mentioned me on their facebook and brought a lot of new views to my site, if that was you, I want to thank you tons!! WordPress doesn’t show me where the views came from, so I can’t thank that nice person. But if you’re out there I really appreciate it!

Again, thank you all so much for continued interest and support. I’m telling you, this camper renovation is really testing me right now (the GRINDING is NEVER ENDING!) but you make it all worth it. ❤


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3 thoughts on “ is Getting a Makeover

  1. alymc2012 says:

    LOVE your posts………………check mine out…………..I did the work myself……….its so much fun! I plan on doing a new one soon about My life Living in an RV as a woman alone. Peace out, Alicia Cotilla Where Inspiration, Education and Action live

  2. Tom says:

    I’ll be sure to follow you there when you are all set up

  3. JP VanGundy says:

    first time I’ve seen this site! interesting. I’ve already seen some great ideas on living in/on a confined area.
    i plan on putting the shell of a vintage 1962 avion t20 travel trailer on a 27’x12′ pontoon boat. it will have a full second level for the steering console and dining/sleeping area with a rigid collapsing roof for lower profile when needed.
    i will live on this, off and on, while documenting st. johns river life, here in north florida.
    if this interests you, i will send pix of Zepp (the ’62 camper) in the infancy of this project and as it progresses.
    J.P. VanGundy
    Palatka, FL

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